Research Products - Lipids - GMP Grade now available
Specialty lipids have become an important class of lipids that includes functional group modifications to lipids or designer lipids. Displaying cellular functions by acting as a major component of cell membranes, these varying lipids are utilized across several industries including the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Organix has been involved in lipid synthesis since Organix was founded in 1986. During this time, we have been involved in proprietary synthesis of novel lipids as well as synthesis of standards from the published literature. We also have in-depth experience in lipid synthesis and offer a wide range of capabilities. Organix understands purity is of the utmost importance when it comes to lipids for drug delivery and nano-particle formation. Therefore, our lipids are of the highest purity, and we use only the most reputable of suppliers for our starting materials in any of our lipid and lipoid synthesis. Our specialty lipid synthesis capabilities include experience in MC3- a gold standard in ionizable lipids, cationic lipids, lipopeptides, lipoids, biodegradable lipids, arachidonyl lipids, GalNAc derivatives, lipid scaleup, and microspheres. We have a reputation for supplying high-quality lipids (for Research Use Only). You need the confidence that you have the best quality lipid for your project. With Organix’ lipids, you are starting your research with the best chance of success. We can provide first, second and third generation cationic lipids and lipoids. We can provide biodegradable lipids and can also supply you with branched lipids for tuning the right nanoparticle stability.
Lipid-based mRNA delivery - NEW: GMP Grade NOW available (please email for price:
Synthetic mRNA and DNA can form the basis of biopharmaceutics including novel vaccines, a hot topic in light of COVID-19. Lipid-based formulations of these biopharmaceuticals may provide better specificity for increased immune response and possible dose reduction. There is strong demand for high quality lipids for drug delivery and Organix supplies high-quality lipids and lipoids.
High-quality lipoids for gene silencing vehicles
Lipid like lipoids can be used to carry low dose in vivo gene silencing siRNA. High quality lipoids are essential in successfully achieving delivery of siRNA.
For Research Use Only. Sold under the Hatch-Waxman exemption (safe harbor exemption)