O-11676 (ALC-0315)
O-11676 (ALC-0315)
Registry Number 2036272-55-4
100 mg/$5,000
Reference: WO2019202035A1 (ALC-0315)
For Research Use Only.
Sold under the Hatch-Waxman exemption (safe harbor exemption)
O-11676 (ALC-0315)
Registry Number 2036272-55-4
100 mg/$5,000
Reference: WO2019202035A1 (ALC-0315)
For Research Use Only.
Sold under the Hatch-Waxman exemption (safe harbor exemption)
O-11676 (ALC-0315)
Registry Number 2036272-55-4
100 mg/$5,000
Reference: WO2019202035A1 (ALC-0315)
For Research Use Only.
Sold under the Hatch-Waxman exemption (safe harbor exemption)