Your lab next door, wherever you are

so much more than just
Medicinal Chemistry

A team that is led by a passion for chemistry, Organix has a reputation for devising elegant solutions to complex challenges.

Our team of PhD chemists synthesize, invent, create and deliver compounds in an efficient and effective manner for the benefit of our clients.

PhD-led Partnerships

A custom-built building designed for specialized use as an organic chemistry facility. Equipped with all the analytical equipment needed for modern organic synthesis.

State of the Art Facility

Our team becomes part of your Research Group. We provide regular meetings, detailed reports and a flexible relationship with an immediate response to your changing needs.

Powerful Collaborations

Our team of PhD chemists synthesize, invent, create and deliver compounds in an efficient and effective manner for the benefit of our clients.

PhD-led Partnerships

Get a custom

GMP Grade Lipids Now Available

so much more than just Medicinal Chemistry Services

GMP Grade Lipids Now Available ( for price)

A team that is led by a passion for chemistry, Organix has a reputation for devising elegant solutions to complex challenges.

PhD-led Partnerships

Our team of PhD chemists synthesize, invent, create and deliver compounds in an efficient and effective manner for the benefit of our clients.

Powerful Collaborations; Elegant solutions

Our team becomes part of your Research Group. We provide regular meetings, detailed reports and a flexible relationship with an immediate response to your changing needs.

State of the Art Facility

In 2024 Organix relocated to a custom-built building designed for specialized use as an organic chemistry facility. This 50,000sqft facility is equipped with 65 hoods in six labs and boasts two instrument rooms with all the analytical equipment needed for modern organic synthesis.

Organix provides organic synthesis services across all areas of organic chemistry. Our chemistry specialists partner with Biotech & Pharmaceutical industry and Government clients to solve challenges at the forefront of complex chemistry.

Organix is proud to offer GMP Lipid services and GMP polymer services. Learn more at